Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Month of Love!

It’s February, the month of love. I have decided to make a goal to do something loving every day this month.

As a mother and a wife, I do loving things constantly in the every day tasks, but perhaps with the wrong attitude. Things such as packing lunch for my girls, making breakfast for the kids before school, cooking dinner for the family, taking Kayman to McDonalds for lunch (way to often), keeping the house in decent order most of the time (definitely not “clean” or perfect, but generally de-cluttered), and things of the like. This month, my focus will be to do more of these things, and all of them with a smile on my face, in the spirit of LOVE!

BUT . . . This month I want to do something above and beyond each day for someone, or multiple someone’s. I’m not planning to spend a whole bunch of money, nor do I plan to do things that are not generally part of my nature, I will just be more aware of the needs of those around me and show love as much as I can.

Today I have done a lot of things to show love, and I feel that love coming back to me immediately:

*I spoke on the phone to a friend I haven’t talked to in a while who is struggling with a few things and needed someone to talk to.

*I spent some time with my husband this morning - loving him.

*I met my husband for lunch to spend some extra time together since I will be with the Young Women of my ward tonight.

*Loving myself by exercising and reading my book.

*And one of the hardest things I have done to show love today is let the dog in the house to warm up for a while. He LOVES to be around us and feels so sad when he has to be outside and just watch us from the cold. He is lying at my feet, happy as can be, but oh man, does he need a bath! Pee you!!

Love is the way to happiness. Whenever I have felt unhappy, frustrated, or anything negative, I can not feel love at the same time. If I focus on the love I can feel for everyone, I have much more ability to be happy and spread that happiness to everyone around me. Let's do this together!

What are some of the things you plan to do to show love to those around you?

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