Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 4: Stranger

Day 4: Stranger

Stranger. We are surrounded by strangers. Everywhere I go, there are strangers. This assignment today was to take a picture of one of them, but how was I to choose a stranger that was meaningful to me somehow?

I thought about this quite a bit today as I was cleaning the house, catching up on my reading, watching my beautiful daughter sing, playing duets on the piano with my daughters, and as I headed out on a date with my husband. He and I were sitting at dinner discussing this, and then it hit me. We were going to drop off a desk at Deseret Industries (DI) after dinner, and I decided to take a photo of the man who helped us unload the desk from the van. He was volunteering his time at DI, and what shows more love than that?

I have donated my fair share of items to the DI, and I know that some of those things have blessed the lives of those whose homes they went into. What a beautiful program, a great way to help those in need, a way for people to get the things they need at a very discounted price. I was happy to donate a very useful item in great condition...only in need of a paint job.

To be honest, I was very sad to see this desk go. I got this when I was in high school, and we have used it for years! We finally upgraded to a Secretary style desk that actually looks nice in the house, but I was still sad to see the old one go. So here is the photo of the old desk, and the man who so lovingly posed for a picture with it!
Goodbye old friend.

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