Tuesday, March 19, 2013


My word for the year is Enjoy.  This goal, choosing a word for the year as a theme, is something I heard about over at Only A Breath.  I decided to take the challenge, and this is the button she created for me:

I chose the word "Enjoy" because I am usually in such a rush to just get things done that I fail to enjoy the process of what it is that I am doing. 

Am I alone in this?
It has been a problem for me for a long time.  This month I have found three ways to enjoy:

Exercise:  This is something that comes and goes for me...the enjoying of exercise.  I usually don't, but this month I have been joining in with a dear friend who motivates me a ton!  Exercise has become an exciting social experience with one of my favorite people.  I am truly enjoying it!  

Healthy foods:  I am not usually one for preferring anything healthy to candy, but this month I have been drinking green smoothies nearly every day.  I have finally come up with a recipe that I just love!  I get my veggies in, it's energizing, and it's very filing.

"Living" sounds:  I love music.  Very much.  But lately I have really enjoyed the sounds around my home as I work.  The sound of the tapping keys on the computer, the washing machine in the background, the water as I wash dishes, the vacuum running, the spray of cleaning solutions, and lately the birds chirping outside my window.  I especially enjoy the sounds of my children when they return home from school.

Click here to read many very inspiring posts based on some amazing women's "One Word 2013"

What's your word?!

1 comment:

  1. As I read this, I am enjoying the sound of quiet...the clock ticking in the background of an empty house. It's nice sometimes, to have the quiet, but most of the time, I'd rather have the kids...
    Blessings to you!


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