Friday, November 11, 2011

One year older and wiser, too!

Andy just had his birthday!!! We were so excited to celebrate with him this year. I had a fun project I worked very hard on for him, the girls made very thoughtful gifts for him, and Kayman, well, he watched us. :) The girls helped me frost the cake and decorated it with 32 candles and not quite as many cinnamon bears.
After work we picked him up and took him to dinner where his family was waiting for us! That was his first surprise. He didn't know they would be there. That was fun, and really good food! We went to Goodwood BBQ. Yum! After dinner, we headed home where he got to blow out the torch of a cake. Nevermind the fact that this thing ended up covered in wax. The girls were still excited about all the candles, and he was happy for the effort we put into it for him.
Then came the second surprise. The girls threw him a "Cinnamon Bear Party!" They spent so much time drawing and painting this huge cinnamon bear (all by themselves, their idea, their work) and cutting out tiny cinnamon bears that they taped all over the walls. We also spread a huge bag of cinnamon bears all over the table around the cake. They were so excited! Obviously, Andy loves cinnamon bears. He loved his surprise.
We are headed on a vacation in a few months, so Andy's real gift was to get certified for scuba so he can come diving with me when we go to Aruba! Wahoo!!! Happy Birthday babe! We love you!

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